Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Opening Monologue!

Here's a chance for me to showcase some of my work- perhaps a little shameless self promotion and a chance to feel like I'm helping contribute back to people interested in special effects for their home videos and family movies.

As a starter, many times I've had someone ask me, "What got you into this?"

The answer isn't cut and dried simple, and certainly there has to be that one litmus or catalyst that started the ball rolling...

Probably the first lasting twinges of inspiration came from watching Star Wars back when it was released in 1977. Learning that model making, gooey FX make-up and other sundry "coolness" could actually land you a paycheck seemed too good an avenue for my little creative mind to pass up back then.

I knew it was love when my grandmother [love you, Gran!] who was initially horrified by my Christmas request actually went out and bought me the Pressman Dick Smith Monster Make-up Kit. I still have the prosthetic molds to this very day that came with the set and the yellowed instruction book as well! I'm sure if I took the time and searched the family basement back home I'd find the box it all came in as well!

There'll be anecdotal stories to tell about my bourgeoning film talents [and incredibly naughty events] that led me to the film industry. Please note though that I'll be trying my best to give you helpful hints and proceedures for things to help liven up your family vidoes or to jump start your own career potential, but I'm not going to explain how to make pyro, I'm not going to explain how to rig firearms, I'm not going to show you how to do anything that would otherwise blow your head off or get you in trouble with the local Gendarms- the "really professional stuff" needs to stay that way.

I want this to be as reletively safe, fun and informative as I can make it.

If, as we make this journey together you find my advise and improvesario boring or incomplete, then perhaps on that day you'll have grown outside the bounds of what I'm willing to offer- at that point, you're most likely ready for "The Big Leagues"- and on that day we'll celebrate! Because at that point, I'll have given you wings to set out on your own; and what more could a person ask but to inspire someone else to bigger and greater horizons than he himself had laid eyes?

I hope I won't let any of you down. Something tells me I won't!

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